Welcome To
Skhumbuzo More's

Full stack developer.


Airbnb Clone

Used NextJs, Tailwind-css, Mapbox, react-date-range to create airbnb clone

  • React
  • NextJs

Slack Clone

Real time chat app with the help of firebase, Slack clone.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Firebase
  • Google authentication

Work Project - Bruce's doggy day care

Bruce's is an award winning doggy day care and grooming service provider in the UK. Bitcube implemented and contributes to improve a fully bespoke CRM system to allow customers to make reservations from both web, IOS and Android, intergrating into back-office systems and processess of Bruce's operational team members

  • Ruby on rails
  • Angular
  • Flutter

Uber App clone

The famous popular uber app made with react-native

  • React-Native
  • Redux


I have worked with a wide range of technologies in the development world. From mobile to web and back-end

  • Front-End

    Bootstrap, Tailwind-css, JQuery
    Styled-components, Redux, React.js, Angular, RoR

  • Back-End

    Flask, Ruby on Rails
    nextjs, FireStore

  • Mobile

    React Native, Flutter

About Me

A software developer with a junior level experience, specializing in user-interface design, application development and continuous improvement. Adept at identifying opportunities to enhance and develop new features to improve user experience.

Personal Achievements

1+ years

As a hired self taught developer

Innovating one project at a time